Motiviation comes from within. From what I’ve experienced the only type of motivation that works and can get you to your goals is intrensic motivation. Motivation that comes from within you, that thing that lights a proverbial fire under your butt, the thing that kicks you into motion and causes you to start working towards what you want and work hard at it. The reason I believe motivation from within is the only successful type of motivation is because you can do things because you have to do, or are told to but, there is no passion behind that motivation like there is your from within yourself. If you set your mind to something you can achieve it. The things that I’m motivated towards getting or achieving are similar to others but also different. I’m motivated to have a good life at this point I’m not exactly sure what that exactly is but I want to be able to live a long and healthy life, and not to sound shallow but money is another. Everyone wants money and people say it can’t buy you happiness but I believe in a sense it can provide other things such as comfort. Those are my thoughts on motivation.